
Get current market data

Our Market API delivers updates on market prices and tickers across a diverse range of cryptocurrencies.


Developers can leverage our comprehensive market data API to obtain the real-time information.

We offer access to two essential market data types:

  1. Market Price: This accesses real-time market prices for cryptocurrencies against specific fiat currencies, such as USD and NGN.
  2. Market Ticker: This retrieves the latest market ticker information for a specified coin pair.

Accessing market data

To get access to current market data, follow the steps below:

  1. Access your Bitpowr dashboard and go to the Vault section.
  2. Choose Accounts to view your list of accounts.
  3. Select the desired account for which you need market data.

On the selected account, you'll find detailed market data for each asset.

Get Market Price via API

curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
      -H 'content-type: application/json'
		 -H 'authorization: Bearer <encodedToken>'
curl --request GET \
     --url '' \
     -H 'content-type: application/json'
		 -H 'authorization: Bearer <encodedToken>'

Note: Bitpowr does not provide any assurance in the correctness of the market data provided by this API as its majorly used internally and now available for public use. However, we've have been indexing market price data for over 3yrs

API Reference

You can view the API reference for working with Market Data