Create Transaction

Bitpowr lets you send cryptocurrency in two ways, depending on the blockchain you use: UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) and EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine).

Before You Begin:

  • Get a Bearer Token: You'll need this for authentication. Check Bitpowr's documentation for details
  • Have a Bitpowr Account: Sign up for an account if you haven't already.
  • Find Your Wallet ID: Locate your wallet ID within your Bitpowr account (This is only for the Super admin and admin who can access wallet info).


You can test it here

Create UTXO Transaction

Make a POST request to the following endpoint

Request Body

This is the data you'll send in your request:

          "walletId": "8648a91-2413-43dc-a139-667432b8ff",
          "assetType": "BTC",
          "cryptoAmount": "0.00001",
          "address": "2MtQsUJqJz4wiY5WnBXPwrsMbJxm9QsT14i",
          "description": "Testing Here",
          "fee": "0.00000547"


Upon a successfully transaction, you will receive a response containing information about the UTXO transaction.

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "status": "PENDING",
        "amount": "0.00001",
        "uid": "dc01d799-cae0-49fa-bba8-b0428839fe09",
        "assetType": "BTC",
        "chain": "BITCOIN",
        "network": "TESTNET",
        "fee": "0.00018",
        "gasLimit": "40000",
        "gasPrice": "2000000009",
        "description": "Testing Here",
        "ref": "BTP-zq4ULe5TXivNv8DO$EzLXe0ntlV7Bf"

EVM based Transaction

Make a POST request to the following endpoint:

Request Body

This is the data you'll send in your request:

          "walletId": "d2acaff2-554d-4a7e-8c60-a3f8105c9f32",
          "assetType": "TUSDC_MATIC",
          "cryptoAmount": "0.000100",
          "fromAddress": "0xb7bf99947363c3223378a741d85926e36cded781",
          "address": "0xb7bf99947363c3223378a741d85926e36cded781",
           "gasLimit": "40000",
          "gasPrice": "2000000009",
          "fee": "0.00018",
          "description": "Testing Here"


    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "status": "PENDING",
        "amount": "0.000100",
        "uid": "a73ac41e-f68a-4a58-b4eb-0d3e1f1867e7",
        "assetType": "TUSDC_MATIC",
        "chain": "POLYGON",
        "network": "TESTNET",
        "fee": "0.00018",
        "gasLimit": "40000",
        "gasPrice": "2000000009",
        "description": "Testing Here",
        "ref": "BTP-K#D$8VcyI8GEJHFjgmeWMqvxBgUdcl"